Wonder Woman: The Golden Age, Volume 3

SO when I emailed Mark Chiarello and suggested I be assigned some GA collection covers, I didn't really think it'd happen- I was just certain it *wouldn't* if I didn't say something. And look, here's Wonder Woman on a saber-tooth tiger! Always speak up if you want to do something, that's what I say.

There were other sketches, but the tiger (from WW #9, fyi) was the obvious choice. Here's the lot, plus final inks at the bottom. I'm mostly all-digital these days, but the final was done on 13 x 19" Strathmore 500, with as much brush and actual metal nib as possible, because H.G. Peter had no Microns. Photoshop colors, though :)

Huge thanks to Mark, Alex Galer, and anyone else that signed off on this. I've never had more fun drawing anything, ever.


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